If you’re currently an Exotic Dancer or have been in your past and you have an idea you feel is destined to blossom into a thriving business, Lexi can help you make that happen. Or perhaps you are currently in business but looking to take to it to the next level. Then she has all the tools and contacts to support you.
Lexi Lou is widely recognised as a leading world authority on effective personal transformation in the Stripping industry through her creation The Professional Stripper System. Her ability to understand people at a profoundly deep level and identify both hidden and unconscious patterns of behaviour have made her and her students top earners in gentlemen's clubs worldwide.
However this is just scraping the surface. Lexi’s experience in business and money management has allowed her the freedom she has today. From the finance she earned as an Exotic Dancer, Lexi has founded several successful businesses worldwide in varying industries such as: beauty, events, public speaking, juice bars, fitness, online marketing and much more.
Her newest passion is The Stripper-preneur Coaching Program specialised in supporting Exotic Dancers in business.
Her strategy consists of working closely with you and understanding your challenges, goals and deepest desires to create a personalised step by step 12 weeks action plan to make you a successful entrepreneur and reach your vision for your business.
"I love to surround myself with SMART inspirational power women whose mission is to transform lives. Lexi is the voice you need - and want - to have around."
"There is no better mentor, trainer or diamond beauty on the planet to learn from. So, if you are lucky enough to train with her, be prepared as your life will never be the same."
"Lexi helped me transform my life. Thank you Lexi!"